Active To Passive Voice Converter Software Online



Green LevelLesson Twenty-fivefrom passive to active voiceThis sentence is in the passive voice:The students are helped by the teacher.It sounds better when it changes to the active voice:The teacher helps the students.Why is the active voice preferred over the passive voice?English teachers regularly advise their students to change a written sentence from the passive voice to the active voice. The reason is that the active voice is more direct. The active voice clearly indicates who or what is performing an action. The passive voice does not always show who or what did something, and sometimes the passive voice is kind of awkward.

However, the passive voice, in some situations is unavoidable, or it's a better choice over the active voice. Whatever the case may be, you must learn to convert the passive voice to the active voice, and vice versa.In this lesson, you'll learn how to convert the passive voice to the active voice.

Active To Passive Voice Converter Software Online

This is a good way of improving your writing and clearing up mistakes that you might be making in your writing and speaking.Here are some examples:passive voice:1. The floor is swept by the custodian. Both of these sentences are in the present continuous tense. This is indicated by the verb 'be' (are being / is). When changing the main verb, 'serve,' to the active voice, two things happen:.

  • Active To Passive Voice Converter online, free. Subject can be easily identified by asking ‘who’ or ‘what’ to the verb.3. Sentences are short and easily understandable.Example:John wrote the letter.-John ( subject) performs the action denoted by the verb ( write). Passive VoiceIn Passive voice the sentence focus on object i.e.
  • Active To Passive Voice Converter Software Online 9/19/2019 23 Nov 2012 Updated 19 April 2016 WE use various tools and webapps that seem to produce the desired results with the least amount of time, money and effort.
  • The passive voice editor and all basic features are available for free. It’s not only free online software to check passive voice, but it also offers many other features as well. You can use it for grammar and spelling check. It can be used to know the word count of the document and it can check the plagiarism as well.

Our quick and free passive and active voice checker is able to detect far more issues with your writing than simply the use of the passive voice. Our tool is able to provide you with a full analysis of your text identifying any problems with your grammar, spelling, punctuation, plagiarism and vocabulary use. But is it a crime to write in the passive voice? In many cases, the passive voice is actually preferable to the active voice. However, it does present. IView HD Receiver and Converter Box for TV Antenna QAM DVR Ready (3500STB) Why spend money on a new TV or a cable subscription? The iView 3500STB is the solution you.

The verb 'be' becomes singular (is) because the subject (waitress) is singular. Remember, the subject and the verb have to agree. The main verb in the second sentence changes to 'serving' because it's in the present continuous tense.Now let's practice.Practice:passive voice:1. The criminals were arrested by the police officer. How did you change the sentence?Write your answers by hand.Directions: Change each sentence from the passive voice to the active voice. (Answers are below.)1. The baby was fed by the mother.The mother.2.

Passive To Active Voice Converter Online Tool

The products are packaged by a machine.A machine.3. All the pop was drunk by the kids.The kids.4. The patient is being examined by the doctor.The doctor.5. The homework has been completed by the students.The students.Next:(Answers: Practice: The police officer arrested the criminals.1. The mother fed the baby; 2.

A machine packages the products;3. The kids drank all the pop; 4. The doctor is examining the patient;5. The students have completed the homework.).

What is Voice?“A Grammar of Contemporary English” defines Voice as “voice is a grammatical category which makes it possible to view the action of a sentence in two ways, without change in the facts reported”. One and the same idea can often be expressed in two different ways, by means of an active, and by means of a passive construction. Active VoiceActive voice is used to indicate the grammatical subject of the verb is performing the action or causing the happening denoted by the verb. With the active voice, you learn ‘who’ or ‘what’ is responsible for the action at the beginning of the sentence. In other words, the subject performs the action denoted by the verb. With help of active voice more powerful sentences can be build than passive voice.

Use of active voice:1. Active voice is used in a clause whose subject expresses the agent of the main verb.2.

Active To Passive Voice Converter online, free

Active To Passive Voice Converter Software Free Online

Subject can be easily identified by asking ‘who’ or ‘what’ to the verb.3. Sentences are short and easily understandable.Example:John wrote the letter.-John ( subject) performs the action denoted by the verb ( write). Passive VoiceIn Passive voice the sentence focus on object i.e. Who/what is receiving the action and not on who/what is performing the action. In passive voice, the actor of the of the verb (action) is either understood at the end of the sentence or maybe not told. The passive voice is used in writing facts, truth, lab or technical reports in which the actor is not important or unknown, but the action happening on the object is very important. Use of passive voice:1.

Passive To Active Voice Online

It is used if it doesn‘t need to know or we don‘t know the actor performing the job.2. In the end of the clause or sentence “by” is prefixed to know the actor performing the job.3. It is used if we are more interested in the job than the actors who work.Example:The letter was written by John.- letter receives the action denoted by the write (verb). How to identify the active / passive voice?Ask who/what performed the action(verb)? - if the ‘ who or what is at the beginning of the sentence, the sentence is active voice.Example:Jack is eating the apple.Question will be: Who is eating the apple?Look for the word “ by”, if present it is passive voice. Active/Passive voice using Modals:The modal verbs consist of will, would, can, could, shall, should, may, might, must which areused with main verbs to express ability, probability, obligation, advice etc.To convert active voice having modal into passive voice, auxiliary verb “be” is added after modal in sentence.

Rules for Active to Passive conversionTenseActive voicePassive voiceSimple Present TenseSubject + infinitive + objectE.g. The grocer sells fresh vegetables.S + to be + past participle + by objectE.g. Fresh vegetables are sold by the grocer.Present Continuous TenseSubject + to be (is, am, are) being + present participle + objectE.g. My boss is giving many assignments.S + to be (is, am, are) + being + past participle + by objectE.g. Many assignments are being given by my boss.Present Perfect TenseSubject + has/have + past participle + objectE.g. I have taken him out.S + have/has been + past participle + by objectE.g.

Convert passive into active voice online

Passive And Active Voice Converter

He has been taken out by me.Simple Past TenseSubject + past participle + objectE.g. He built a large house.S + was/were + past participle + by objectE.g. A large house was built by him.Past Continuous TenseS + was/were + being + past participle + objectE.g She was cooking dinner.S + was/were + being + past participle +by objectE.g.

Passive To Active Converter Online

Dinner was being cooked by her.Past Perfect TenseSubject + had + past participle + objectE.g. She had posted the letter.S + had been + past participle + by objectE.g. The letter had been posted by her.Simple Future TenseSubject + will + infinitive + objectE.g.

Active To Passive Converter Tool

I will give you a present.S + will + be + past participle + by objectE.g. A present will be given to you by me.Future Perfect TenseSubject + would + infinitive + objectE.g. The doctor shall have examined ten patients by 10 O’clock.S + would + be + past participle + by objectE.g. Ten patients will have been examined by 10 O’clock by the doctor.Rules for Pronouns in Active to Passive conversionActive voicePassive voiceImeyouyouweustheythemititPronoun number and person tablePersonIIIIIINumberSingularI - amyou - arehe,she,it - isJohn,Sara - isPluralwe - areyou - arethey - are.