Timegrapher Windows For Regulating A Watch


Number 1 is the regulator with the index pins (to adjust the rate) Fixed stud carrier If the movement doesn’t have a mobile stud carrier, you’ll need to move the collet of the hairspring on the balance staff. For an amateur or hobbyist, however, a Timegrapher from eBay is an excellent choice to measure and display the rate. A Timing machine “listens” to the vibrations in the movement and translates them into lines of dots. Lines that have an upward angle show that the watch is gaining time, and a downward angle indicates the watch is losing time. A very nice watch with a Miyota 9015 inside (I chose the 'undecorated version' of it, as it's a closed case back watch and I value reliability and ease of access more than a fake plate glued on top) with a blue sun-ray dial (with purplish reflexes that came ONLY in the pictures I take with the phone, and totally plain blue at naked eyes).

  1. Pros And Cons Of Using A Watch Timegrapher And How To Read It ...
  2. Timegrapher Windows For Regulating A Watch Company
  3. Timegrapher And Regulating? | Omega Forums
  4. See Full List On Wahawatches.com


Watch-O-Scope is a combination of hardware (currently DIY only) andWindows-compatible software for diagnosing, testing, and regulating mechanicalwatches. It is based on the same concepts as stand-alone electronic watchtiming machines, but uses the power of the modern PC to provide features thatmid-20th century watchmakers could only dream of. Watch-O-Scope is comparablein features to very high-end dedicated watch timing machine costing thousands,but at the price point of introductory level hobbyist watch timers.

Lite and Pro Versions

Watch-O-Scope has both basic features found in entry level stand-alone watchtimers, and advanced capabilities normally only found in high-end models. Whenfirst downloaded, all features are available for evaluation for a period of 60days from the date of first use. After that, Watch-O-Scope will continue towork, but with only its basic features enabled (the 'Lite' version), and maycontinue to be used this way in non-commercial settings (for example, by awatch hobbyist).

Those users who wish to have continued access to the advanced features (the'Pro' version) after 60 days, or those who will be using Watch-O-Scope in acommercial endeavour (for example, a professional watchmaker) mustpurchase an activation key for the Pro version.

Feature Overview

Watch-O-Scope is very easy to use. For basic watch timing operations, one needonly put the watch into themicrophone stand, turn on theamplifier, and click one button. When needed,an intuitive user interface also gives access to a variety of more powerfulfeatures.

  • Numerical display of daily rate error, balance amplitude, and beaterror.
  • Horizontal 'paper tape' mode with sub-pixel vertical resolution thatcan show fluctuations that are too small to see on a typicalstand-alone timing machine.
  • Scope mode to aid in diagnosis of various watch faults.
  • Raw watch sounds mode, where the paper tape shows all the sounds madeby the watch during each complete tick interval, giving unprecdentedinsight into the performance of a watch.
  • Long term testing to show long term fluctuations and perform powerreserve tests (Pro version only).
  • A simple yet powerful and flexible report generation facility(Pro version only).
  • Export of timing traces and long term tests as PNG image files(Pro version only).
  • User selectable averaging period.
  • Rate determination using linear least squares, giving a moremeaningful reading than just naively averaging the rate.
  • Automatic signal and noise level determination. Usually, there'snothing to adjust, although manual adjustment is possible.
  • Aggressive noise filtering in the software to keep the hardwaresimple for those who wish to build their own.
  • Automatic detection of common rates (18000, 19800, 21600, 25200, and28800 beats per hour), with support for manual entry of any rate from300 to 43200 beats per hour.
  • Simple, uncluttered, fixed-size display (1024 × 600).
See more results

Read More

The complete manual for Watch-O-Scope is on-line,where you can read about all the features and how to use them.

System requirements can be found on thedownload page.


Copyright © 2014-2021 by Stefan Vorkoetter and Capable Computing, Inc.
All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication prohibited.
Watch-O-Scope is a trademark of Capable Computing, Inc.
Last updated on Tuesday March 29, 2016.

あなたのWindowsコンピュータで Watch Tuner Lite を使用するのは実際にはとても簡単ですが、このプロセスを初めてお使いの場合は、以下の手順に注意する必要があります。 これは、お使いのコンピュータ用のDesktop Appエミュレータをダウンロードしてインストールする必要があるためです。 以下の4つの簡単な手順で、Watch Tuner Lite をコンピュータにダウンロードしてインストールすることができます:

1: Windows用Androidソフトウェアエミュレータをダウンロード

Pros And Cons Of Using A Watch Timegrapher And How To Read It ...

エミュレータの重要性は、あなたのコンピュータにアンドロイド環境をエミュレートまたはイミテーションすることで、アンドロイドを実行する電話を購入することなくPCの快適さからアンドロイドアプリを簡単にインストールして実行できることです。 誰があなたは両方の世界を楽しむことができないと言いますか? まず、スペースの上にある犬の上に作られたエミュレータアプリをダウンロードすることができます。
A. Nox App または
B. Bluestacks App
個人的には、Bluestacksは非常に普及しているので、 'B'オプションをお勧めします。あなたがそれを使ってどんなトレブルに走っても、GoogleやBingで良い解決策を見つけることができます(lol).

Timegrapher Windows For Regulating A Watch Company

Timegrapher Windows For Regulating A Watch

2: Windows PCにソフトウェアエミュレータをインストールする

見つけたらクリックしてアプリケーションをインストールします。 それはあなたのPCでインストールプロセスを開始する必要があります。

3:使用方法 Watch Tuner Lite - Windows PCの場合 - Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10

これで、インストールしたエミュレータアプリケーションを開き、検索バーを見つけてください。 今度は Watch Tuner Lite を検索バーに表示し、[検索]を押します。 あなたは簡単にアプリを表示します。 クリック Watch Tuner Liteアプリケーションアイコン。 のウィンドウ。 Watch Tuner Lite が開き、エミュレータソフトウェアにそのアプリケーションが表示されます。 インストールボタンを押すと、アプリケーションのダウンロードが開始されます。 今私達はすべて終わった。
あなたは アイコンをクリックします。 それをクリックし、アプリケーションの使用を開始します。

Timegrapher And Regulating? | Omega Forums

それはあまりにも困難ではないことを望む? それ以上のお問い合わせがある場合は、このページの下部にある[連絡先]リンクから私に連絡してください。 良い一日を!
¥490 iTunes上でCached

See Full List On Wahawatches.com
